Friday, 29 March 2013


My evaluation can be found here

Focus Group Results

Here is a screenshot of my partner's facebook page. We decided that as our audience are rather young and our budget to make the film would be low, we should use social media to promote our film. We created a survey and posted that along with the link to our OTS, to try and gain feedback from people of a young age.

Here are the questions and the responses we received:

Preliminary Task/ Continuity Task

Preliminary Task from Calvin Smith on Vimeo.

OTS feedback

Calvin + Emily Initial Feedback from SCHS TV on Vimeo.

Our final OTS

Scarlet Symphony OTS from SCHS TV on Vimeo.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Setting for our OTS

We used three different settings for our OTS, Calvin's house, another friends house and a street.

In each setting we tried to make it look as real as possible as if it was in the 1980s. In the houses we eliminated any product produced pre-80s and substituted them with iconography used in film noir, for example in the scene with the femme fatal getting ready we left lipstick and a cigarette packet on the dressing table.
When we were filming on the street we made sure that we'd got perfect lighting which came in the form of shooting under a lamppost at night, and made sure that we didn't get any cars in the background which would have ruined the atmosphere.

Props for our OTS

Props we used:

  • cigarettes
  • vinyl record player
  • lipstick

Monday, 11 February 2013

Changes to our OTS

Whilst creating our OTS we made a few changes along the way, sometimes do to the difficulty of an idea and some to improve aspects of our sequence.
We added a scene with a cigarette burning on the floor first of all. This was mainly due to the lighting of it and to add an enigmatic atmosphere to the scene.
We added a part in one of the scenes where it looks like the male character and the female are exchanging something as opposed to just talking and walking away. We decided to do this because it makes the scene look a bit more dark, and like the two characters have a set agenda and aren't just talking randomly.
We also added stills to the first scene, mainly to mix the setup a bit, so that its not just film. Also this effect makes it look a bit more like a crime-scene and not just a guy laying on the floor.


As our OTS will be a silent film, we needed to create a good enough soundtrack for it to fill the gap where there would usually be audio.

 "For all other AS and A2 video, copyright audio MAY NOT be used. Soundtrack must be original or from a royalty free source. could however mean that the students perform an existing song/piece of music themselves- as the audio is made by them."

This was taken from one of the OCR websites. Although we know that we're not allowed to use someone else's song for our soundtrack, we've mashed together two songs and edited them slightly so that they match each other and our OTS. Therefore we've created our own soundtrack and won't be infringing copyright laws.

Lou Reed - 'Perfect Day'
 and Iggy Pop - 'Nightclubbing' are the two songs we've used for our OTS. They fit the desolate, moody and atmospheric vibe that we are aiming for in our OTS. As well as this, the lyrics in Lou Reed's 'Perfect Day' contrasts heavily with the scene in which it's used in our OTS, which puts a strong emphasis on the footage. Iggy Pop's 'Nightclubbing' is used during the scene where the femme fatale is introduced, as it has a mysterious and almost seductive vibe.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Test Shots

These are our test shots for modifying the scene with the cigarette. We decided that it would look more effective if our femme fatal walked from behind the camera after the cigarette has been dropped, and still use the smoke from it as a lighting effect. We wanted to shoot the femme fatal dropping the cigarette as she walked past but we found that too difficult as it didn't drop properly. As these are just test shots, they will look better in our OTS as it will be shot at night and so the smoke will look more prominent.