Friday, 21 December 2012

Test Shots

This is the first footage we have got for our OTS. Due to a lack of supplies, the footage is somewhat shaky and not to the standards we are looking for. Therefore, I used the footage as a test for an editing technique needed for our OTS, which is the sepia effect described in the OTS description post. After much time experimenting with the sepia effect and levels on iMovie HD, I came to the conclusion that the effect seen in this footage is the effect I would like to be prominent in our OTS.

OTS production: Initial OTS pitch presentation

First Draft Storyboard for OTS

Friday, 7 December 2012

basic first plan for OTS

the effect of silence in OTS

In my OTS I will use silence to create effect and tension for the audience.
I've taken this idea from a modern film called The Artist. The Artist focuses mainly on expression and music which would usually only be in the background if dialogue was used, I like this because it creates more tension and also the effect of mystery it will have on the audience links well with the effect of mystery which the plot and the characters have already started.

iconography associated with film noir

For the femme fatal the iconography is usually the colour red: red nails, red lipstick and red dress. her clothing is usually formal but sexy. Black and white colouring is often used for the femme fatal to represent mystery and danger.
For the girl next door the iconography is usually pure, the colour white is used a lot and the girls usually have blonde hair. This is to fit the image of an angel to emulate innocence and care.

Smoking is also an iconic mark in film noir. It can be used to show risk and danger, and also helps the lighting look better.

For our OTS
We will be using the iconography associated with the femme fatal character by showing her smoking, dressing her in dark clothes and using a fur coat. As you can see from the image above, the femme fatal is holding fur which would represent class and the setting of an older film. Further more, there will be a heavy accentuation on the red lipstick the femme fatal will wear.

film noir and women

Film noir first came into the public eye in the early 1940s. This was a time when the position of women and men were changing, due to the war and the shift in expectations in gender. The two main roles for women in film noir is the femme fatal and the girl next door, This is mainly due to how men saw women as more dangerous and successful and it shows how many men feared and disliked the concept of a woman doing well and so they generally make the successful woman the bad one and the more needy, kind female the good one.

In our OTS
We will be showing the female gender as dangerous and mysterious. Our only female character will be the have the femme fatal personality because we thing it signifies the idea of Film Noir more, also it will make the OTS more interesting and by having a dangerous character it makes the audience want to watch more than just the opening.

key elements of OTS sheet

shot list for OTS

description of scene for OTS

this is an image of initial idea I have created for our OTS. The plot will be as follows:
a man gets involved with a woman who proves to be very dangerous. the woman turns out to be a person who goes around from man to man leaching off of them, and then once she's done she arranges for their murder. the audience don't know who has murdered the man in the first scene but that links to the mystery of the sequence.